Everyone who tells you the first year of marriage is hard, but you will get through it, was totally right! Steve and I are approaching our 1st wedding anniversary next week. I feel like the last year has flown by! This last year has been busy, crazy, exciting, and I have loved almost every moment of it. We started off improving my first house, selling our house, moving in with my sister, building a new house, moving to a new house, hosting Superbowl and Easter, and now we are finally ready to celebrate our year with a vacation.
April 30th, 2011
When Steve and I got married, I thought we knew quite bit about each other. We had had a lot of pretty deep conversations, read a couple of pre-marriage books, took a couple classes, and experience each other on a every day basis for quite a while. However, about 2 months into our marriage, I learned, there was a lot we DIDN'T know about each other. We had learned "the facts" about each other, but not "the emotions" behind all those facts. Even though we had had our fair share of "tiffs" over the last year, we have grown stronger every time. Steve and I can't stay mad at each other very long (which I think is a good thing) so we tend to just talk it out until we are both satisfied. I stick to the fact that couples who fight are healthy couples :)
I found an article about Shocking Secret of the First Year of Marriage that proved to be very true in our first year. I especially like #9 THE SHOCK: Being a wife won't mean you'll instantly have skills worthy of an Iron Chef. I have defeinitely not made anything worth of Iron Chef yet, but I will keep trying!
I feel so blessed to have Steve as my husband! He has proven to be a very supportive and caring man who I know will provide for and protect our family. We can't wait to get away for a week to celebrate our 1 year accomplishment! We will be going on a cruise to the Western Caribbean. More details to come when we get back!